Mountain Bike Skills Sessions


Are you ready start your adventure into the world of mountain biking?
Are you tired of taking unhelpful “tips” from your PRO mountain-bikey partner?
Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with your ride buddies?
Have you taken a skills session in the past and would love just a little skills tune up?
Does the cost of private sessions not fit the budget?

If you have asked yourself any of the above questions, you should consider joining us for our pop up June Mountain Bike Skills Sessions. Bikescape is STOKED to offer beginner to intermediate skills sessions to those who are looking for a fun, encouraging, no pressure environment. Plan to pick up or brush off those skills that WILL give you all the confidence you need to have a blast on the trails.

Ever wish you could test an ebike out on the trails? This program includes an ebike Demo session for all participants thanks to our good pals at Orbea Bicycles.

Ladies MTB Skills Club